
Assisted Living Services

Assisted Living Services Health and wellness medical services

Health and Wellness Medical Services

A Private Medical Practice & Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner located in Charlottesville, VA & Madison, VA
Are you or your loved one seeking support as you age or struggle with cognitive changes like dementia? If so, consider assisted living services with Jenny Furlow, NP-C, and the team at Health and Wellness Medical Services in Charlottesville, Virginia. They provide in-room or in-home visits and can coordinate with assisted living facility health care teams. To discuss assisted living services for you or your loved one with a team that cares about you and your family, call or book an appointment online today.

Assisted Living Services

What is assisted living?

Assisted living is a type of long-term health care focused on helping adults who need assistance with some day-to-day activities. Caregivers can provide assisted living services at assisted living facilities or private residences.

Examples of common assisted living patients include:

  • Adults with developmental disabilities
  • Older adults recovering from an injury
  • Older adults recovering from surgery
  • Older adults suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia

Assisted living services help you or your loved one perform daily tasks while retaining as much independence as possible.

What are assisted living services?

Health and Wellness Medical Services provides healthcare-related assisted living services such as:

  • In-room visits
  • Independent living visits
  • Physical therapy
  • Lab services
  • Prescription organization and refills

In order to offer you the most helpful services and the most supportive provider-patient relationship possible, the team can coordinate with you or your loved one’s assisted living health care staff.

Health and Wellness Medical Services also collaborates with the University of Virginia Health and Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital, both in Charlottesville.

What are the benefits of assisted living services?

Assisted living services offer you countless benefits, including:

Improved outcomes

With the help of assisted living services from the team at Health and Wellness Medical Services, you can enjoy easier access to medication, physical therapy, and other health care services that promote healing and wellness.

Individualized care

Health and Wellness Medical Services offers assisted living services tailored to you or your loved one’s needs. The practice’s goal is to provide the best, most accessible care possible.

More independence

Assisted living services from Health and Wellness Medical Services provide you with the support you need to continue to live an independent and fulfilling life.

Improved communication between caregivers

The practice believes in communication and cooperation, and can coordinate with local medical centers and your care providers when you need it. This streamlines communication and ensures that you’re not receiving any unnecessary medications or treatments.

Health and Wellness Medical Services also supports the family unit and, when possible, seeks to involve your family members in your health care plans and goals.

Health and Wellness Medical Services knows that quality of life is important, no matter your age or condition. For comprehensive and compassionate assisted living services, reach out to the practice for a consultation online or over the phone today.

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