

Telemedicine Health and wellness medical services

Health and Wellness Medical Services

A Private Medical Practice & Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner located in Charlottesville, VA & Madison, VA
If you need to schedule a medical visit but don’t have time to make it in or you’re unable to leave your home or office, consider telemedicine with Health and Wellness Medical Services. Jenny Furlow, NP-C, and the team in Charlottesville, Virginia, offer video visits and 24/7 access to health care through telemedicine. Telemedicine is the way of the future. To learn more, reach out to the practice online or over the phone today.

Telemedicine Q&A

What is telemedicine?

Telemedicine describes an exciting new type of health care visit — the virtual visit. At Health and Wellness Medical Services, you can now schedule secure video visits through the Kareo® telemedicine app.

Telemedicine allows you to receive high-quality health care without ever stepping foot outside your home or workplace.

What can I use telemedicine for?

Telemedicine serves many functions. You can schedule virtual visits with Health and Wellness Medical Services for:

  • Low-complexity sick visits
  • Follow-up appointments
  • Minor urgent care
  • Medication questions
  • Prescription refills

Telemedicine is perfect for busy people who can’t leave work or children, immunocompromised patients, patients with inadequate transportation, or anyone who simply prefers to stay home rather than travel to the office.

What are the advantages of telemedicine?

Telemedicine offers many advantages, including:

Time efficiency

Telemedicine cuts out details that waste time, like traveling to the office and sitting in traffic. You can use this added time to focus on your health and get back to the things you love.

No time off work

When you virtually visit Health and Wellness Medical Services, you don’t have to worry about scheduling time off work. Instead, you can fit in your visit whenever it’s convenient for you, whether that’s before or after work or during a break.


In addition to time, telemedicine saves you money. It eliminates travel costs and puts money back in your pocket by not requiring that you miss work.

Reduced health risks

Virtual visits also allow you to access health care without having to go out in public. This helps you stay socially distanced. It’s also particularly beneficial to the elderly, immunocompromised, and those recovering from surgery.

Improved access to health care

If you have a smartphone, tablet, or computer, you can schedule a video visit. It doesn’t matter where you live, what type of transportation you have, how busy you are, or whether you need assistance to leave the house. Telemedicine eliminates barriers to health care and expands access to your medical team.

If you’re interested in scheduling a telemedicine visit with Health and Wellness Medical Services, simply call or reach out via the online booking tool.

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