
Primary Care

Primary care Health and wellness medical services

Health and Wellness Medical Services

A Private Medical Practice & Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner located in Charlottesville, VA & Madison, VA
Did you know that American adults who see a primary care provider are 19% less likely to suffer a premature death than those who only visit specialists? Make your health a priority by enlisting Jenny Furlow, NP-C, and the team at Health and Wellness Medical Services in Charlottesville, Virginia, as your primary care providers. Primary care encompasses all kinds of services, from routine checkups to chronic care management. The practice offers primary care visits in the office, at your home, or via video. To learn more, schedule a consultation online or over the phone today.

Primary Care Q&A

What is primary care?

Primary care is health care that focuses on your overall wellness. Common components of primary care include:

  • Health promotion
  • Health maintenance
  • Preventive care
  • Disease prevention
  • Counseling
  • Patient education
  • Chronic care management

As a primary care provider (PCP), Health and Wellness Medical Services offer services in the office, at your home, or via video. Video visits, or telemedicine, offer you the opportunity to enjoy a face-to-face appointment with the team without having to leave your home.

This option is helpful for those who are sick or homebound, as well as adults who have their hands full with work or family. If you choose this option, the practice can bill you through insurance like it would any other primary care visit.

What conditions do primary care providers treat?

Health and Wellness Medical Services treats a variety of conditions, including:

  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Acid reflux
  • Heart disease
  • Skin rashes
  • Cold and flu
  • Sore throat
  • Fever
  • Back pain

The practice also provides routine preventive care services like annual physical exams, immunizations, and booster shots.

What happens during a primary care visit?

A primary care visit involves numerous steps, which include:

Health history update

At the beginning of any primary care visit, whether it’s in person or via video, the team asks you about your overall health and, if applicable, touches base concerning your chronic care management.

This is also a time to express any concerns you have with your current health or treatments.

Vitals check

If you’re visiting in person, the team then checks your vitals, which include your temperature, blood pressure, respiration, and heart rate.

Lab services

If you have specific concerns, the team may run lab services like:

  • Standard blood work
  • Strep throat testing
  • Internal normalized ratio (INR) testing
  • Flu testing
  • Urinalysis

You may also receive a flu shot, along with any booster shots you may need. If you have an injury, the team can also provide wound suturing, sling placement, or bandage wrapping.

Prescription update

At the end of both in-person and virtual primary care visits, the team can prescribe medication refills or adjustments and issue new prescriptions.

Primary care is vital to your health, which is why it’s important to choose a PCP that cares. For the highest quality and most accessible primary care, schedule an appointment with Health and Wellness Medical Services online or over the phone today.

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